You may have never considered a website because you've assumed they were only for large businesses and other professional or non-profit organizations. These days, though, that's just not true! Thanks to a wide variety of hosting options available, websites can be scaled to any size and any need.
While the costs of development, servers, and maintenance used to restrict web publishing to technical gurus and well funded startups, it is now something that is easily in reach of your favorite community group, club, or hobbyist meetup. Sites can be useful as a means of organizing contact information, news about the project or organization, as well as a place for sharing messages and comments about the things that bring you together.
Groups and organizations that could use a website:
- Small business
- Non-profits and charities
- Hobbyist organizations
- Social and community clubs
- Political organizations
- Projects and collaborations
Small Business
Websites aren't just for large corporations and tech companies anymore! In fact, a website is probably one of the best opportunities that small and local business has to reach customers and make themselves known.
A website gives small business a chance to showcase their products and/or services, as well as providing a place that potential customers can find additional information such as directions, contact information, or ordering instructions. Online payment processing has become more accessible and more affordable as well, so many customers will complete the sale all on their own!
Between organic listing potential and prominent displays on Google maps, it's never been more important for small and local businesses to have an online presence. Luckily, it's also never been easier.
Non-profits and charities
Charitable organizations and non-profit groups can also benefit from using websites to spread their message, attract potential new donors and volunteers, and even more. Individuals are likely to look up any charities online before making donations, so having a professional and clear web identity can help to win over skeptics. It's an opportunity for these groups to showcase their ideals and accomplishments, and portals can easily be set up to collect payments and organize volunteer shifts.
Hobbyist organizations
Got a favorite game, band, or other hobby? Share your interests with a community of like-minded individuals by setting up a website! Forums and blogs are a popular format for sharing a love for any topic or hobby. It can be an opportunity to find people who share those interests around the world. Share rare facts and easter eggs or learn new things about your favorite actors - or whatever you like!
Social and community clubs
For local social clubs, a website can be a point of organization and communication that goes beyond the regularly scheduled meetups. It can be a great place to show off exactly what types of social events and community happenings draw the attention of your group, as well as providing a means for contact and getting more involved. By displaying the types of individuals and functions that your social club is all about.
Political organizations
Activists, campaigns, and political organizations are also all great candidates to take advantage of having a good website. As above, it's a great way to showcase your beliefs and actions, as well as a powerful means of connecting to like-minded individuals who could become supporters, voters, and allies.
Projects and collaborations
And sometimes a website can be about building something - together. Websites like github allow easy collaboration for coding projects, but the concept can be extended to almost any type of creative outlet. If you want to write songs, design games, or create new visual imagery, a website can be a great place to get feedback, find people to collaborate with, and even organize their collaborations!
A website for every purpose
Regardless of who you are or what you're hoping to accomplish, there are ways that a website can help contribute to those goals. It's a great way to bring groups and individuals together, and it's only getting easier and more affordable by the day. Forget the excuses and start thinking about the possibilities. With all the no-cost hosting options and open source software available, setting up your own website doesn't have to cost anything but time and a very minimal amount of learning and effort. You might just be surprised at exactly how affordable and accessible it really is to start publishing your own websites today.